Carrying Connected Conversations
Carrying Connected Conversations
129: The Energetic Effects of Releasing Fear
In this episode of the Carrying Connected Conversations podcast, Syd is sharing her recent experience through an energetic release of fear. As she moved through triggering conversation around lack, Syd’s fear spiraled into the biggest physical reaction she’s experienced in a long time. Co-host Ang has all the questions to better understand why Syd experienced this release, how it affected her energetically and physically, and what she is learning from it. Don’t be fooled here, Syd’s experience isn’t a rare unicorn type experience, as there is a good chance you’ve experienced your own energetic release... Press play to find out more!
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YouTube: https://bit.ly/CCCYouTubePodcast
IG: www.instagram.com/ccc_podcast
Website: https://www.adventuringwithposeidon.com/podcast
Angie: http://bit.ly/TheFitandFreeCommunity
Sydney: http://bit.ly/ShiftingForwardSyd
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YouTube: https://bit.ly/CCCYouTubePodcast
IG: www.instagram.com/ccc_podcast
Website: https://www.adventuringwithposeidon.com/podcast
Angie: http://bit.ly/TheFitandFreeCommunity
Sydney: http://bit.ly/ShiftingForwardSyd